English Reservation


– 第30回飛騨高山手筒花火大会 – 当館より無料送迎バス有。

– 第30回飛騨高山手筒花火大会 – 当館より無料送迎バス有。宮川の上の簡易高床で、花火の火の粉を浴びながら竹製の筒を抱えた花火の組人達が打上る、力強い花火です。
– Hida Takayama Tezutsu (hand-held) Fireworks – There is our courtesy bus to the event place.
“Tezutsh hanabi” is fireworks holiding by a person. In this festival, you can see powerful hand-held fireworks. A temporary platform is built on the river bed of the Miyagawa River. Fireworks are set off bamboo cylinders handheld by “shooters”, who get showers of sparks from the fireworks, creating extremely exciting scenes.Everyone should go and see it!
Date:Fri. August 9,2013
Time:7:30pm – 9:00pm
Location: Miyagawa River (about 10 minutes by bus)